Saturday, January 3, 2009

For Hell's Sake

Today I finally took our Christmas tree down. While I was putting my John Deere Tractor lights back in their box I accidentally broke one. When Brandon came in to take the tree out I was telling him what I had done when Morgon piped up in the back ground...

"That's cause you broke it for hell's sake!"

Brandon and I just busted up laughing. I couldn't get mad at definitely repeat what they hear:)

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The Herberts said...

Wowza! Kids say the darndest things!

Anonymous said...

Umm nice one!! That's pretty funny. That kid is so dang cute.

Ginger said...

That’s so funny! I still need to take down my tree. I think this is the longest it has ever been up after Christmas!!! I'm thinking about leaving it up until next year :)
I saw Morgan at church today and he said, "hi Brian". I said, "I'm not Brian I'm Ginger". Then he said, "Hi Ginger" just as if he were saying hi for the first time. He's a crack up!

Grandma Ronna said...

I loved "For Hells sake" Ginger one time got up in church and yells Balls Bells, which she was reapeating after my moms "Hells Bells" It was pretty funny. I loved the contact drinking episode also. I laughed and laughed. Love you guys. Grandma Ronna

Angie said...

LOL that is so funny! We've a few of those really do have to watch what you say ;) super cute picture at the top of your blog!

Jami said...

I am sure he picked up that word from Bruce McLaws on New Year's Eve:)Did you put pepper on his tongue? Your tongue? hehe

Clarissa Jane said...

uh oh! "outta the mouthes of babes"

that's so great!!