Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Saying Goodbye to Elder Thornton and more Coupon Shopping

I haven't had time to blog in the past couple days due to a really sick baby and a husband working out of town. So I am taking advantage of a sleeping baby and a hubby that is home for the night!! Anyway, Monday night we said goodbye to one of our favorite missionaries, Elder Thornton. He got transferred to Mesa and we will miss him lots. He is such a good missionary!

We love ya Elder Thornton!!

Our goodbye picture!

Now on to coupon shopping...

Last night Shawna, Nicole, Kelli and I made a trip down to the valley to hit the sale at Fry's. I truly am addicted to couponing, but I think it is a good thing to be addicted to, it's much more healthy than chocolate:) All together we spent around $400 and saved close to $1600. What a rush!! I not only enjoyed the savings, but I enjoyed getting out of the house for a few hours. Thanks girls for the fun times and the many laughs! And of course, Thanks to an amazing husband who never complains when he gets stuck at home.

Here is a pic of my 15 passanger van filled to the max!

Now remember, this is a FIFTEEN(15) passanger van completely you know how many groceries that is?

(I really am humble about this!)

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stephanie said...

What a cute Missionary!!! lol

Heidi said...

Thanks for being so great to Elder Thornton. He is my nephew and I know he loved your family. You rock with coupons. I need to learn how to do it. Im really bad and don't take the time to cut and save. Any secrets you could share with me or my sister Stephanie would be great.

Devin and Melinda said...

Way to go! Getting great deals make it so much more fun to shop!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a blast and the deals. Love the pic with Elder Thornton!

Hall Family said...

That is SOO good! I can't believe you guys can save that much money. I want in on the deals! Let me know how you do it!

Porter Prodigies II said...

Eh! I so need to learn this couponing thing, I need to be a better saver and do less spending, please teach me!!!

Bonnie Tucker said...

Thanks for being so good to our missionary. You have my daughters all excited about saving money. Too bad we don't live close so you can help them learn your tricks of the trade. Keep in touch.

Chris and Nichole said...

Fantastic job!!!

Jami said...

Sister, will you please start shopping for my family? It's the least you can do, after all I did change your diapers and wiped your butt a few too many times:) Help a poor sista out!!!