Saturday, January 10, 2009

All in a Days work...

Today we decided to clean our storage room out since it is the "catch all" room. We finally cleared a spot in the attic and moved all of our Christmas, Halloween, extra house decorations, etc. out. We have been trying really hard for the past 6 months (ever since I started couponing) to work on our 72 hour kits, 3 month supply, and our year supply. We are FINALLY starting to feel a little bit better about things. For those of you who don't think that coupons are worth it...I think you should think again. They have saved us SO much! I am officially a coupon FREAK:) I wish I would have taken a before and after of our storage room, but believe me when I say it is MUCH better!!

Thanks honey for always spending your days off doing my "honey do" list. I love you!

The left side!

Yes we are cheesy and took a pic with green beans and ravioli in the back ground

My honey rearranging the store room for the 100th time

The right side! (ps...all the toilet paper on the left side of this pic I got for FREE among many other things, all because of COUPONS!!)

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Chris and Nichole said...

Great job! We have a "store" too and when people see it they think I'm nuts, I'm sure! It's so nice to see someone "get" the whole coupon thing!! Seriously why the heck pay for stuff when you can get it for free (or very close to free) !?! I do have to say though I'm jealous of all your shelves!!!

NICOLE said...

Your awesome!!!

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Whay to go! It is hard enough to get a food supply for 3 people let alone 12 people.

I still don't get the coupon thing....

Anonymous said...

I love the greenbeans and ravoli picture! I know where I'm going when I need food!!

Rusty said...

Hey Tiff, I am super impressed with your food storage. It looks great!

Aaron - Annette said...

I am so jealous i miss doing coupons it was work but so worth it. they don't double coupons here in this crazy town so I lost all excitement in it. looks great!!!

troy and melani said...

wow am I jealous!! I tried couponsense here, and it didnt work, we have CRAPPY grocery stores here and its doesnt work:( You are lucky! that store room is amazing!

Couple of Hunt's said... I have a quetion. Oh by the way this is Tiana Hunt. HEHE I totally want to do the coupon thing again. So..what is your secret? Is it couponsense? PLEASE let me in on the secret! Thanks!

{nicole coombs} said...

K this is awesome! I need to have a room like that! Your family is so cute!! Seeing pictures of tristan makes me miss cub scouts. It was a lot of fun and he was alwasy crackin me up!

Deni said...


Doesn't it feel good to have a storage? I love coming home with a mile long receipt, gobs of groceries and very little out of my pocket book.