Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh My HELL!!

Ok so I had a friend tell me once that I should blog everything that I do in a week. Instead of a week I will give you a run down of just one day:) Here we go...

Warning: This is a little long...
4:15am Alarm goes off for Brandon to leave by 5:00am for work in the valley.
6:00 Miles wakes up and is ready to play
6:25 Alarm #2 goes off. Time for kids to get up and going.
7:30 Kids leave for school
7:35 get the four little boys cereal
7:45 put Miles down for nap #1
8:00 get Miles back out of the crib
8:15 yell at the little boys to get out of the cupboard since they just ate breakfast!
8:30 switch out laundry
8:44 texted Nicole about coupons (yes I looked the time up on my phone:)
8:45 fold a basket of laundry
8:50 talk to my friend Shawna for a couple of minutes
9:00 get little boys of of the pantry...again!
9:15 clean the girls room
9:20 break up fight between Zach and Paul
9:30 switch out laundry
9:45 clean boys room
10:00 get the little boys dressed and get them a snack
10:15clean our bedroom
10:30 vacuum back bedrooms and hallway
10:40 put Miles down for nap #2
10:45 talk to my sister
11:00 Talk to Shawna again
11:05 change two poopy diapers
11:15 fold some more laundry
11:20 Put on "Hair Spray" for Morgon
11:30 shew the kids out of the pantry again
11:35 put Paul on his bed for biting the crap out of Caden
Noon make lunch for the little guys
12:15 get Miles out of crib
12:20 call Brandon letting him know I am losing my mind!
12:45 put boys down for nap
1:00 restart "Hairspray" for Morgon
1:15 finish cleaning kitchen
1:45 start cleaning the front room
2:00 Jami and kids come to visit
2:15 Tenant comes by to tell me they are moving out(anybody know anyone whe needs a place to rent?)
2:20 little boys wake from naps:(
2:30 change poopy diapers AGAIN
2:45 Tristen comes home
3:00 Dad calls needing keys to transnation building, mom stays her to visit
3:05 kids walk in the door
3:05:15 kids ask for a snack
3:10 kids start homework
3:15 start cleaning dinning room and all my piles of papers
3:16 kids ask again for a snack
3:20 kids ask for a snack
3:30 Nicholas comes to visit
3:45 missionaries show up to ask who is feeding them
4:00 mom starts making cookies
4:15 Shawna shows up so we can go on our walk!!
4:48 get back from walking
4:50 visit with my parents and sister for a while
5:00 here a shattering noise in the bathroom
5:00.10 find Paul in the bathroom...had broke a light fixture
5:00.20 took Paul to his bed
5:10 get done cleaning up all the glass
5:20 put Miles down for another nap
5:30 chase kids out of the pantry AGAIN!!
6:00 make Quesadillas for dinner
6:15 talk to hubby, still working in the valley
6:30 give kids dessert
6:45 start cleaning kitchen
7:05 start baths
8:00 talk to my visiting teaching partner
8:20 finish baths and have family prayer
8:30 send kids to BED
8:35 FINALLY get Miles to sleep
8:45 switch out laundry and fold a batch
9:00 talk to Elder Page
9:15 Talk to Brandon and he still hasn't left work
9:30 talk to Elder Herzog
10:00 find out my hubby has finally left the valley to come home
10:15 eat some cookies (great for the diet)
10:25 start sorting socks:(
10:45 start blog surfing
11:28 sitting here writing this silly post and STILL waiting for my hubby
(Note: Times are not exact...just round abouts:0)

If you are still reading this than you obviously need to go find something to do. I wrote this, not for people to take pitty, but so that someday I can look back and remember...not that I will ever forget.

Now for a funny story about my little Paul whom I love so much! Today after he had broke the light fixture he got sent to his bed for time out. Well, silly me, I thought that he was still on his bed when i got a call from Jami and she was laughing. I asked her what was so funny and she proceeded to tell me that when she got home from my house Paul was at her house all by himself watching TV and had gotten into her cupboard and had eatin an entire bag of sour gummy worms. I swear I don't know what the hell I am going to do with kid!! (sorry if my cursing if offensive, that is just how I feel right about now!!!) It is a good thing I love the kid!

Paul's....OH CRAP I GOT CAUGHT look!

Paul's...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? look!

Paul's...I AM IRRESISTALBE look!

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mrs_jpyatt said...

Holly Frickin Super MOMMY! Geez! Well I really like your idea of writing down your days like that! It'll be nice to sit and look back at one day!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing!!! I'm impressed you remember everything you did in a day!

NICOLE said...

OH WOW OH WOW is all I can say!!

Chris and Nichole said...

WoW! Just reading about your day makes me tired!! It's good to hear I'm not the only one with kiddos constantly trying to get in the pantry!I love your new header, beautiful pic!!

stephanie said...

That is hilarious!! You crack me up. You are "Super Mom", I don't know how you do it. It is funny, because Hell is my new word and everytime you say it I laugh. You are awesome!!!

cturley said...

Holy cow just the other day I said "Boy I wish my kids were little again for all of the funny stuff" I'm tired reading this I'm glad my kids are older now.

Sheridan said...

Better you than me is all I have to say...!

JENNE said...

You are the funniest MOM ever. You know you should have your own reality TV show. Reading your blog is way better then Jon&Kate Plus 8.
Love Ya,

Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

I'm this a regular day or a slow day? I love Paul. If you ever get tired of him send him my way!!! He and Kade would have TONS of fun getting into trouble together. said...

You are so funny! When you get a chance, add breathing to your list of to do's.