Sunday, January 11, 2009

HERE!!!!...sort of?

K-funny story time...

Whenever we get in a car to go anywhere(even church) we always do a head count. I always start with Tristen and go down the list(not only does this help with not leaving anyone behind, it also helps you learn your kids' names better:)

Anyway, today after we got home from church we were trying to clean up a little before dinner and Tristen had left some of his camping stuff in the front room. I , being in the dinning room, and Tristen, being in the family room, I yelled "TRISTEN!!" and from the family room I hear, "HERE!!" as if I was calling roll.

My kids never cease to amaze me with their brilliance!!

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Anonymous said...

That's cute. Did he have fun on his camp out and stay warm?

Marinda said...

I love Tristen. He is so sweet and easy to love. I love the picture you posted of him.

Ginger said...

Thats really cute! I should start doing a head count.... Maybe it would help me learn my kids names too ;).

Dawna Greer said...

Cute story and cute boy--all your kids are adorable. I was amazed as I saw then one Sunday in church, sitting quietly in a row for a full hour, not causing any noise or problems--your Honey working his magic as you were out with the baby.

Anonymous said...

Hey hot stuff... so your pantry looks awesome! Looks like I need to take some coupon lessons from you now! Oh and I know where I'm going when we have no food. =) haha. I'll be up there this weekend and probably most of next week so we better hang out. Love ya!