Wednesday, April 8, 2009

One of our Favorites!!

One of our FaVoRiTe missionaries came back to visit this past week. I can't tell you how much we love and adore this kid. I swear I should not be old enough to be calling them kids, but I am! Elder Mitchell B. Herzog, a.k.a. Herzog, Mitchelas, and Herzdog, became a part of our lives back in March of 2007. Heber was his first area so when we met him he was very shy and quiet, and you could tell that this mission thing was WAY out of his comfort zone. Well, over the past two years we have watched him come out of that little shell of his, and have got to know the real Mitchell B. Herzog who is full of life, funny, and dang adorable! We have loved having him here for the past few days and are sad he is leaving us to go back to Utah!
We will miss you Mitchell B!! Come back to see us soon!
He brought part of his family up on Saturday. We had met his mom and little brother before while we were in Utah two summers ago, but finally got to meet his Dad and his sister-in-law Jenna...his brothers Tyler & Jordan were down in Scottsdale golfing so they didn't get to come up to Heber.
(in the pic...Jenna, Mitchell B., Alex, Kristie, & Nate)
Me, Mitchell B., Morgon, and Brandon
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Anonymous said...

I'm glad he got to come visit and I got to meet him, he is a real cutie! Hope he can come back soon!

Deni said...

The bad part about living where I live is that we don't get to have much contact with the Elders. There are just too many members