Thursday, April 23, 2009

All Because Two People Fell In Love...

Today is my parents 47th wedding anniversary. My heart is full of gratitude toward my Heavenly Father for sending me to these two people to have as my earthly parents. Though they may not be perfect, they have been amazing examples of how one should live their life. I sure am glad that 47 years ago they decided to tie the knot!!
Thank you mom and dad for all your love, your example, your support, and most of all your dedication to our Heavenly Father and your Family.
One of my favorite pics...hope I don't get in trouble for putting it on here!!

Their Wedding Picture

What an awesome couple!

Nice coat mom...nice tie dad...oh wait this style is back in!!!

I think this was a picture they took around him being called as a bishop.

I can't help but laugh at this one!!

Mom...could you have found a bigger pair of glasses?:o)

Gettin a little bit better.

Their Sexy pose!

Taken in the year 2000

Gosh I love these two!!

Around the time they were made Temple President and Matron

And this is what happens when Two People Fall In Love!!
(this picture has been outdated like 20 times:o)

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Kristal said...

I just love your parents! I have good memories of both of them. One that sticks out is the time your dad did a skit on the stake trek called, "Son of the Beach". Hahaha...loved it!

Brook said...

How did you get all those awesome pictures of your parents!? I love your great parents too. I bet they love their temple calling! Great post!

Anonymous said...

Your parents are great people! I loved looking at the pictures, thanks for sharing!

Deni said...

Happy anniversary to two wonderful people.

Elissa said...

What great pictures! Tell them I said hi and happy anniversary!

Taralee said...

Oh I love those two! AND i LOVE those pictures. ha ha. WOW...

Porters said...

Ok, you have GOT to be kidding me with the great pics of Mary with the glasses in the seventies. LOVE it. I am loving the family picture at the wedding. That's just motivation to have children and raise a good family. Love it!