Monday, April 6, 2009

Engagement Pics

This past weekend I had the priviledge of taking Alexis Nelson's engagement pics. Her and Jake are adorable together and I seriously couldn't be happier for her! Lexi has been a great friend! Not only did I use to babysit her, but I grew to love this girl through vocal lessons! There is not anybody that deserves this happiness more. Congrats to Lexi and Jake!!

I made her sisters tag along so we could get some sister pics...they are funny girls!

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Deni said...

I haven't seen those girls since I left home I don't think and that has been 13 years. WOW! They are all beautiful, and Tiffani, I am amazed at your talents.

Those pictures are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I Love those pictures, you do such a good job!

The Binghams said...

Great pics! Can't believe Lexis is getting married! I used to babysit those girls, it just makes me feel old!!

Angie said...

I used to babysit them too! I canNOT believe she is old enough to get married! Way cute pictures! Good job!

Jami said...

The pic's are amazing!!! You are always giving of your time and talents. When I grow-up I want to be like you!!

Karleen said...

You did such a good job I love them. I am so happy for Alexis. I got to see the both of them when we were their for the race. They are the sweetest couple I have ever met.

Ginger said...

I love the pictures! They are all so good... I bet she loves them!

Jenna said...

Tiffany it was so great to meet you and your family! I know why Mitch loves it so much there too! You are seriously such a huge example to me... I don't know how you do it. Those kids are very lucky to have you. Keep in touch!


P.S. We can be blogging buddies now. :)

Beth Ann said...

Tiff, what a talent you have! These pics are awesome! It makes me want to get engaged all over again...(without the whole dating thing...)haha

Travis & Kalee Tenney said...

You're so talented! wow! good job : ) said...

You've got talent. Come take my family photos. : )

Matt n Jessica said...

Wow, I just love your photographic talent! There's something about the phonebooth picture that I really love! We need an updated family pic soon!