Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tampon Rocket

Tristen got to hang out with me ALL day today while I went couponing. On our way home we stopped at Wendy's to grab a bite to eat, and while we were sitting there waiting for our food I heard this "POOF" sound. I didn't pay much attention to it since I was on the phone with Brandon, and again I heard this "POOF" sound, and Tristen making all these army noises. I look over at him to yell at him to be quiet, and there I find my sweet, little, innocent Tristen playing with a tampon he had found in my purse. He says, "Look mom! A ROCKET!!!" I serioulsy just busted up laughing, then semi-explained what those were for and that to his disappointment they were NOT rockets!!!

My kids NEVER cease to leave me SPEECHLESS!!!
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Deni said...

SO Funny!!!

Couple of Hunt's said...

HAHAHA I LOVE IT!! Oh boy I can't wait to have to explain that kind of stuff to my kids....NOT!!! So I wasn't able to make your last Coupon party, and I was wondering when the next one is or when I can come and learn!! I have got to save some money on groceries. Let me know!! I really appreciate it.

Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

Hah! That is hilarious! Kids can be so resourceful.

Ginger said...

That's really funny! I once pulled one out of my purse thinking it was a pen… Those dang things!!

Anonymous said...

That's funny! Kids are great! Glad you just laughed about it because I probably would have crawled under the table and hid!

Elissa said...

hahaha...too funny! Mine are in the same pocket as my chapstick and lip gloss, so they always end up coming unwrapped and then I pull them out in public.