Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Birthday EVA!!

Today is Eva's 10th birthday. Eva has brought lots of happiness to our home and we are grateful our Heavenly Father sent her our direction over a year and a half ago. As the oldest girl, Eva has a LOT of responsibility, and she is always SO willing to help out. Here are TEN reasons why we love EVA...

1. She is an awesome big sister, always watching out for her siblings!
2. We, especially me, love when she puts on an apron and says, "your maid is here...what would you like her to do!"
3. Her SMILE!
4. Her DRAMA like Girlyness!
5. HER PRAYERS...she often gets called "Mary" after my mom since she says some pretty long prayers:o) But they are ALWAYS heart felt!
6. Her sense of humor...she is a funny funny girl!
7. Top reader in her class!!
8. HER TESTIMONY...we have watched this develop over the last year and half and it is amazing the questions she asks and the things she comprehends.
9. She is going to be OURS ForEver!!
10. Social Butterfly...my mom said I would always have one just like me:o) She loves talking to people and having friends over!

We Love You Eva Marie!!!

Taken March 2009

She loves playing in the snow for hours on end!

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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Eva, you are a neat girl!

Marinda said...

Happy Birthday Eva you are such a pretty little girl. I love seeing you with your brothers and sisters you are so motherly.

Porter Prodigies II said...

What a sweetie! Happy Birthday Eva!!

Chris and Nichole said...

How adorable is she!! Happy Birthday Eva!

Jami said...

Eva - Happy Birthday - we love you and we are so glad that you are a part of our family. A maid is needed at my house, feel free to walk on over:) Love ya!!