Sunday, May 24, 2009

PIcs, Pics & More Pics!!!

I know that I am on blog overload since this is my 3rd post in less than 24 hours!! But life has been busy busy busy!!! Over the past two weeks I have taken pics for 6 different groups of peeps. I also have a bridal portrait session tomorrow. Just thought I would share a few of my favs....please no critiqueing...I'm just a wanna be photographer!!
Mills Family
My nephew Huston...and yes those are the real color of his eyes! No photoshopping involved!

My nephew Cody

Our little Miracle Boy!!

Jessica, Alvin, & Little Lewis

My beautiful niece Amanda!
My cutest little great nephew Madden
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Angie said...

Good JOB TIFF!!!

mrs_jpyatt said...

You're a heck of a wanna be! I love your work! Lewis is too precious! Is Amanda's belly smaller this time around? Great Job Tiff!

Anonymous said...

Love them all!!

Porter Prodigies II said...

Nice job! Pretty awesome for a "wanna be", Id say you were above that level by far!! When again are you coming to Denver to do our pics? Hmm, thats quite the list, food storage, couponing, better hurry up here before the list gets much longer!

The Johnson Family said...

I love the pic of baby lewis..he is so stinkin cute. Thats a lot of food storage, I find it hard to do for our family, I can't imagine what it must be like for you!!

Ginger said...

You are soooo good! I cant wait to get our next family picture! I love the prego picture.... I wish I was brave enough to get one of those done!