Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kinda Creepy...but FUNNY!!!

So my kids came home from school the other day with these funky glasses and they are kind of creepy but absolutely hilarious at the same time. My kids were taking turns wearing them, and you know me, I couldn't pass up a photo opp. I have always known that my children were strange, but it never occured to me that they just might be ALIENS!! like his shirt?

This is my shy alien, Amelia

Baby Alien Miles (I think this is one of my favs)

Goofy alien Eva
I am at a loss for words:o) Michael

Tristen...I think he has another alien growing on his face! know, he really doesn't look that different:o)

This one made me laugh the hardest...he looks so, so....I don't even know! (Zach)

This is our serious Alien, Caden

This is the Mother Alien...yep!...I even had fun with the stupid things!
I hope you all laughed as hard as I did looking at these!!!
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Deni said...

Too FUNNY! I think Miles looks the funniest

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love your pic. Where's Brandon's? I would look at one and think it was the best then look at another and think the same thing. The look on Miles face is way funny! You guys are so much fun!

Porter Prodigies II said...

Oh my goodness Tiff, those are hilarious! I think it would make a perfect family photo!

The Johnson Family said...

Super Duper FUNNY...I want to try!

Taralee said...

ha ha funny. Seriously- those all cracked me up. The baby one is my favorite! Those are great!

Summer said...

Tiffani, um... can I be one of your kids?

Seriously you look like the funnest mom ever. What a cute thing to journal, and yes, I want to see Brandon's!!

miss you guys

The Herberts said...

Hilarious! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

haha... still laughing. I like your comment about paul... and love the pic of you with the glasses... what about brandon? =) MIss ya and love ya lots!

Jami said...

YOU'RE A NUT!!!!!!!!!!

Mills Family said...

How funny is that! I like your picture the best. You are such a goof.

tenney_fam said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever seen!! Where did you get those things. Can I borrow them for Valentine's day. Randy would love them!