Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Favorite...

I LOVE our Family Christmas Party. It's the ONLY time of the year that all of my siblings & spouses and my parents are together with NO kids. This year David and Gay were the amazing hosts and we had a great time as usual.

I Sure Do LOVE my FAMILY!!!

My awesome Parents!

Mr. and Mrs. Frosty the Snowman

Waiting to play the Selfish Christmas Game...don't they all look so thrilled to be there?:)

Jody with his awesome hat (it sings 'grandma got ran over by a reindeer' and the antlers flap back and forth)
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3 comments: said...

You guys are so cute! I want a Mr. & Mrs. Frosty the Snowman thing, now! So cool!

Anonymous said...

I get so jealous every year when you guys have this. That's cool you do it. I too love the frosty suit - way cute.

Hall Family said...

What a great tradition with your siblings...How FUN!