Friday, December 17, 2010

Another Update on my Dad...

I need to apologize for not updating my blog earlier about my dad. There just hasn't been much to update! Like I said in a prior post, his surgery went well. He went back down to Tucson this past Wednesday and had his Radiation Plaque removed. They just did it under local anesthetic and he returned home to the ranch later that day. I got to see him that afternoon and he looked pretty rough. Since they had to move a muscle to get the Plaque in there, he is seeing double vision out of that eye and will be for some time. I think his biggest challenges are still ahead of him with getting use to only have full usage of one eye. We appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers and ask for continued prayers that he will be able to adjust to this quickly. I sure do love my daddy!!!

My Dad and I 5 days before his surgery.

Dad the day of his surgery

I took this picture yesterday...his eye is still swollen and irritated.
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5 comments: said...

Ouch! It looks like it hurts, but would you let him know he still looks handsome? He looks like my dad a little bit in that picture--good wholesome Tenney blood. Lucky to have him as an uncle. Sending our love!

Unknown said...

Tiff, I never comment on any blog or whatever but had to send my love and appreciation to your father. I have not met a more loving and respected man as he. He has done so much for my family since we moved back from Europe in the 80's and I am eternally grateful to him for that. I love him and pray for him daily. He means a lot to me and he probably doesn't even know it! There's truly not a better man than your father!

Porter Prodigies II said...

Oh I love him so much, Im so sorry he has to go through this!

Darren, Felicia, Judd, & Jake said...

Whats not to love about your dad huh? Tell him to hang in there! You guys are in thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

It is good to see some pictures. Now I understand what you were talking about. Thanks for the update.