Monday, March 12, 2012

Where has the time gone??

We decided at the last minute this last week to take updated family photos and while we were waiting for the sun to be just right I snapped a few shots of Maron (since I still haven't taken her 1 year photos). As I was looking through them I couldn't help but wonder where the time has gone over the past 14 months. She just hasn't stayed little long enough!!!


cturley said...

So dang cute!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my heck she is cute!! That is crazy she is 14 months!

Valory and Joshua Wiatr said...

oh my cute!! Your kids look so much alike!! You have such a beautiful family!! I miss you guys so much.

Deni said...

Man she is cute. She definitely came from your tree.

Nicole said...

What a freaking doll!

Kristal said...

BAH!! so cute! she looks like a tenney!