Saturday, August 8, 2009

Baptism, Fun Date Night, & Willow Springs...

...that is what the last three posts are about!!
Today we decided to go do something fun with the kids since school is starting this coming Wednesday. We took them to Willow Springs for a couple hours and had a picnic. The kids loved being at the lake, getting to feed the ducks, and throwing rocks in the water. Surprisingly no one got hurt or lost!!
Brandon and Miles feeding the ducks
The kids playing
What a bunch of goobers!!
Brandon trying to keep Miles from going in after the ducks. Miles kept saying "Ducks, Ducks" over and over!! He is getting WAY too big!
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The Herberts said...

Always big, fun happenings around your house! Congrats, Michael, on your baptism!

Oh my Gosh! I haven't stopped laughing since you last commented on my blog.... I totally forgot about Ben's joke! Well, at least that one. I however hadn't forgotten him telling my parents about 'back rubs in the front room', and better than S$# cake, and so many more. After I read your comment Rich was so puzzled why I was almost falling off my chair laughing. I told him why and started reminiscing... and kept remembering story after story. Cattle Drive, Brandee's House, etc. etc. etc. I totally miss the days you guys came home to Utah with me. Back in the good ol' days! And I would absolutely LOVE it if you came home with us again! Our next trip home will probably be over October Break! My little bro. Carter and his adorable girlfriend Jen are coming to town this week to bring some horses and meat. We are so excited. Will you be in town this week... I mean, my family is coming to town. You travel to UT to see THEM. This is a MUCH closer trip if you want to see them - and maybe I'll crash your party and just show up. ANYTHING to see you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How fun to go play at the water. Thanks for the fun Friday night! And Congrats again to Michael.

The Johnson Family said...

Congrats to Michael! Looks like you had fun on your date. What a great group to go with...tell them all I said HI.

Darren, Felicia, Judd, & Jake said...

What a good mom you are! I can't even begin to imagine how you keep it all together!What a WOMAN!

Chris and Nichole said...

What a great date night, some awesome peeps you hang with :) Congrats to your Micheal and man you guys are some fun parents taking them all to have some fun at the lake!