Monday, June 15, 2009

This crazy thing I call LiFe!!!

I thought with summer here things would get a little less crazy, but instead it has just gotten WORSE!!! I have lots of pics to post, but will have to at a later time. Here is just a few things we have been up to...

#1 ~ We have a NEW addition to our family!! I know, I know, you are thinking..."Are you kidding me?"!! But it is what it is. We got a 10 day old baby girl last Thursday through CPS. To make a long story short since I will post pics as soon as I take them of her...We got a call two weeks ago today from the biological mother of three of our children telling us she had had a baby girl and that she wanted us to private adopt her and that she wanted to do it without CPS getting invovled. Well, she waited to long to make up her mind and CPS had to get invovled since this is her 3rd S.E.N. baby. Now we will have to be involved with a long drawn out process and case. YUCK!!

#2 ~ I was busy all weekend with taking pics of Alexis Nelson's wedding and reception. (see prior post for some of my faves!) Besides the wind blowing 100MPH it turned out beautiful!

#3 ~ TBall is finally OVER. We always look forward to it, but then are EXTREMELY happy when it is all over. (I have pics to post of this too)

#4 ~ Brandon has been working a ton lately, which we are grateful for, but have gotten out of the habit over the winter. I have gotten quite use to him being around more and now that he isn't I am going through withdrawels. I seriously think we saw each other a total of 10 hours ALL last week.

#5 ~ ADOPTION papers...we have FINALLY completed all the paper work to make our adoptions happen. Thanks to a CPS worker, Kateri, who has seriously worked wonders over the last month to get the ball rolling. The 30th of this month should be the day that all six kids will be officially ours! Hopefully that date will happen, but are still waiting for the final word from the county.

#6 ~ Sky Fort Swing Set - Brandon has been working until Dark every night working on our Sky Fort swing set we bought from Sam's Club. I will post pics as soon as he is done. It is going to be amazing and hopefully will keep our kids in OUR yard!!

#7 ~ We went yesterday and dropped Tristen off to the YMCA Youth Camp that he won through the Golden Mustang awards from the school. He was so excited to go and swears he won't miss us at all, but little does he know that I miss him like CRAZY!!!

#8 ~ I have been busy helping plan the BIG Tenney 11 Family Reunion which is next weekend. I am for once looking forward to it, not only because I think what we have planned is great, but because my Uncle Bill's family will ALL be in attendance, which has never happened before.

#9 ~ Cancelled Trip!...Brandon and I were suppose to head to Vegas and then Utah after dropping Tristen off yesterday, but since we have a new addition to our family that needs lots of care, we had to postpone it. I have to admit that I was looking forward to a LONG OVERDUE get away with my hubby, but am grateful for the reason we had to cancel!

So that is what has been going on...sorry this entry is so long and borring!!


Couple of Hunt's said...

Oh fun a new addition!! That is always exciting and worth the wait on a vacation.

Deni said...

Wow - you are a busy bee. Congratulations on your new little one. That is exciting.

PS - amazing wedding photos. You my dear are extremely talented

cturley said...

Congrats on the adoptions and good luck with the new baby. That is so dang exciting.

Ginger said...

I am so happy for you!!!! I cant wait to see her!

PSS I agree with Deni.... You are very talented!

Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

Another baby girl!!! I am so excited for you!!! I can't wait to see pics! And I hope all of the adoptions go through as scheduled. You are so amazing!

The Reidheads said...

Sweet! How exciting to get a new tiny baby! I hope everything will go smoothly with the finalization of the children! That is awesome!! I truly do admire you girl!! Love and miss you!!

Anonymous said...

What can I say but - you're amazing! Your kids crack me up! We'll have to come try out the new swing set.

Dawna Greer said...

Ditto to all the above! I have tears in my eyes as I read of all that is happening in your life. We were privileged to adopt one daughter, which was the greatest most exciting thing to happen to us so I feel a little of your excitement. Congratulations, good luck and God Bless you all!

Mom and Pop Reed said...

I found Jamie's blog then clicked on the link to yours. I'm so excited your adoptions will soon be official. Then you'll have an amazing day at the temple. May the Lord bless you and Brandon as you sacrifice to build your beautiful family. We're at