Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dad's B-day & Party Time...

We waited and had our annual family Christmas party after Christmas so Jake and Courtney could be here. We ended up having it on my Dad's 69th Birthday. We had some great laughs, good food, and lots of fun.

I of course annoy everyone with always wanting pictures. I keep telling them that someday they are going to appreciate me for it:)
All of us kids with Mom and DAd

All of us kids with our spouses

We had a great time celebrating Dad's birthday. Tara made his AWESOME cake.

I have been blessed with an amazing family!!


Anonymous said...

Yes you have!!

cturley said...

What a fun birthday for your dad to have all his kids & their spouses with him :)

Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

Happy Birthday Dad Tenney! We miss you guys!