Friday, December 25, 2009

We're Famous...NOT!

The White Mountain Independent wrote an article about our family and it appeared on the front page of this past Tuesday's paper. Eventhough having your picture in the paper really doesn't constitute you being famous...I thought it was still cool!! Here is the link...
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Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

I've been telling you for years that you are AMAZING! I'm glad to see that others recognize your awesomeness too. We love you guys and we admire your ability to love and to give unconditionally. Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

That is really cool. Man somebody could learn a lot about you from the paper!! Thanks for sharing!

Clarissa Jane said...

privacy, who needs privacy?!

love it!!
your family is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

You are my hero! And an amazing mother. I love you and think you are the best!