Saturday, December 19, 2009


Here it is just a few days before Christmas and I have found myself losing sight of what this season is all about. I get so busy with shopping for my children, with all the Christmas parties, with the last minute homemade gift ideas, with my mom's shopping, and just life.

I got to spend a few moments outside the temple today waiting to take pics, and looking at the larger than life nativity scene outside the temple reminded me of what it's all about. How grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who sent a Savior, MY brother, to earth that through him we in the end will be able to return and live with our Father again.

The world has forgotten...there is so much noise in the world it's hard to remember, but he truly is ALL we have to hang onto. Without him we are and have nothing. He was born in the humblest of circumstances, yet was and is OUR king.


Porter Prodigies II said...

Great post Tiff, thanks! Sure do love and miss you.

Deni said...

AMEN! I had put our Nativity away as I really didn't have room for it. Then I watched a video put out by the church about the meaning of Christmas and I felt ashamed that I had all of my decorations out except for that.

I repented and it is out. I get caught up in the giving that I forget why I am really celebrating.

Thanks for the reminder.

Erica said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I find that easy to do too, thanks for the reminder!

The Waites said...

That is a beautiful post and a wonderful testimony. Thank you Tiff! We all need to hear it!