Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Annual Nativity Re-enactment

One of my FAVORITEST Christmas traditions is the Nativity Re-Enactment FHE. I love watching the kids all excited about being dressed up and getting to be shepherds, angels, wisemen, Mary, Joseph, and even the Donkey! There is ALWAYS the strongest feeling there and this year was extra special having my Grandma Tenney there. Big thanks to my mom for carrying on all of her crazy traditions!!!

Noble (Joseph), Dallin (the Donkey), Callie (Mary), and baby Lydia as Baby Jesus

A few of our BEAUTIFUL angels...Maryah, Abi, Amelia, & Callie

The kids listening to Aunt Jami and Carly sing a special number

A few of our handsome Shepherds...Nolan, Trisen, Porter, Trey, and Tyton
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks like Family Fun!!! How cool!