Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Day!!

I can't believe another Christmas has come and gone!! Where does the time go? I LOVE the Christmas season, it usually starts for me the day after Halloween with listening to Christmas music. I love the sounds, the smells, the feeling, the giving, the receiving (yep i said receiving:) and everything else that comes with it. I even love that I don't go to bed before 2:00am everynight of December!! I guess you could say I am Mary Tenney's daugher after all!!!
This year Christmas was just as special as all the rest. I got to be with those I love and give of myself by serving others whenever I got the chance. Here are of few of my favorite highlights of this year's Christmas...
#1. Surprising my cousin Reed with an autographed T-shirt by Ty Detmer for his new baby boy, Detmer!
#2. Surprising my hubby with quilts I made for him. I had never made him a quilt since we've been married, so I surprised him with TWO!! It was hard to pull off since he has been home most of the month:)
#3. Finally getting my sister's wedding album put together of Carly's wedding...I think it turned out great!!
#4. All the school made items from each of my children!!
#5. Seeing the excitement on my childrens faces when they saw that Santa DID come, eventhough I had told them that he wasn't due to bad behavior:)
#6. Getting to sleep in my own bed Christmas Eve!! Every year since we have been married we have always spent the night at my parents since I help my mom stuff her stockings (this year there were 77 of them!!!), but this year I talked my mom into letting us stuff them Christmas Eve morning so we could actually wake up at our own house Christmas morning!!
The boys with their bikes and Miles with his horsie that he LOVES!!


Miles helping Brandon open one of his quilts!

Does it get any better than this?!!!
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Anonymous said...

Umm all I can say to all of that is WOW! I can't even imagine - all those bikes. That's great you got those quilts done for Brandon - never cease to amaze me!!!

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

You got way more accomplished then I did and I only have one kid! I couldn't sacrifice my sleep like that! Looks like a great Christmas!

Darren, Felicia, Judd, & Jake said...

How fun! Like I always are AMAZING!

Kristal said...

I want to see pictures of the quilts you made! Amazing that you got all of that done. I guess that's why you didn't go to bed early all month. Glad you had a great Christmas.