Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What it's ALL about...

(sorry for the blog over load...3 posts in a row)
I have been kind of feeling down the past couple days. I find myself wishing I could fix the problems of the ones I love. It breaks my heart when I know all they need to do it turn to our Heavenly Father and to Our Savior. It kills me seeing those close to me turn away from them and start forgetting what they know and what life is really all about. Too often we let the influences of others and the influence of the world change our coarse. I wish I could take it all away...but I can't. All I can do is be there for them, love them, and offer my outstretched arms to them. Cause ultimitely there is only one person who can heal and mend them and that is our Savior. So for now, I will sit back and be grateful that I have the life & knowledge I have and remember that this is what life is really about...

Had to post this next pic...and I wonder where he gets his dirty looks from:)

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Porter Prodigies II said...

Great post Tiff, I love reading your uplifting words. Hang in there, whatever the issues may be, youre right, youve got a lot to be greatful for...just look at that face (dirty looks and all!)
Love & Miss you tons.

Anonymous said...

You are so concerned about others - that's what makes you a great friend!! Love the dirty looks!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Great post tiff. I agree with all that you said. It's hard living a life, you know is right when so much of the world give us bad worldly influence. you're so caring and loving and I love it!

Alvin & Jessica Pease said...

AMEN to everything you just said. i love you auntie. cant wait to see you this weeekend & spend some much needed girl time with you.
p.s. i love the picture of you two giving dirty looks. too cute.

Carter's Angels said...

I LOVE the dirty looks! Priceless! You're one in a million, Tiff! Love ya!

Angie said...

Loved your post! Hang in there!!! At least your house is clean.... = )

beau.shaunalee said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU GOT TO STAND CENTER STAGE AT A BRAD PAISLEY CONCERT! *my great and terrible jealousy is overwhelming me* WOW. that is all I can say over and over and over and over again. I LOVE Brad Paisley because, like you know, he has REAL talent, and he comes across as a REAL person. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow.

Also, I totally understand your last post...I agree--love is sometimes the only answer. that's what its all about anyway right? LOVE.
(btw, great pictures!)

bradholt24 said...

aUNT Tiff,
I just read your blog, well a lot of it at least. Love how your family is looking. Kids are gettin so big. I want some and might just come take a couple of yours.
Dont you wish you could have what is best with the snap of a finger...i do. I snap my fingers all day!
Take care love and miss you guys