Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm Lovin It!!!

I LOVE waking up to this...

We were all so excited that it snowed (I think I was more excited than the kids were:)! It doesn't snow before Halloween very often, but I LOVE when it does!! I think I might even put on some Christmas music, yep I said CHRISTMAS music!!! I LOVE this time of year!!!!

Love this pic of Miles pointing at the snow!

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NICOLE said...


Deni said...

I am with you!!! Christmas music and all. I start singing Christmas music to my kids in September. People think I'm crazy. That's ok. It's never too early to celebrate the birth of Christ

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

It's not like that here(of course) but it TOTALLY crossed my mind the other day to play Christmas music because I was going through some things and found some Christmas CD's. At least you guys have snow to show for it, we only have the cold wind.

Anonymous said...

Love it too. If it's gonna be cold we might as well have it pretty!!

The Johnson Family said...

I am jealous....even though it was very cold here today! Not coming up until x-mas break....not soon enough!

tenney_fam said...

I am going to miss the snow! It looks so fun. Blast the Christmas music loud enough for me! Love ya. Miles is so stinkin cute