Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Funny Things

Came in the family room the other day and found this...

Thought I was gonna die laughing...Morgon's new attire:)


Miles has a new found obsession...MY GLASSES!!!

Could I seriously love anything more?
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Anonymous said...

Very very cute, and you have beautiful eyes - know where your boys get it from!

Chris and Nichole said...

So cute! You look just like Amanda in that pic or I guess I should say she looks just like you, either way beautiful!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Omg, they are adorable. and tiff you're gorgeous!
I simply love you and everything about you.

p.s. that little boyyy is so cute in glasses.

Darren, Felicia, Judd, & Jake said...

Hilarious! What a cute kid!

The Reidheads said...

Dang Tiff, your babies are getting so big!! Enjoy this time cause it surely passes quickly! Darn cute boys!! Love ya!

{nicole coombs} said...

Hope you dont mind I blog stalk you ever now and then! But I just had to say you have a cute bunch of kiddos!! I always knew you were super woman!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I thought my son was the only one to do that with a grocery bag! Mine is 8 though and it's not quite as cute....definately dorky!!!!!

Deni said...


Can you get any more beautiful?

Your kids are cute too ;)

The Johnson Family said...

I love that picture of you...you are totally glowing! Just beautiful. Your kids are getting so big, so fast! I am dying to get up there...I bet the weather is so nice. Hope to see you soon.