Monday, November 16, 2009

Poor Amelia

Our poor little Amelia got 2nd degree burns on her hand last week. She went to pull a "cup o noodles" out of the microwave and it spilt backwards and burned her hand. I swear....if anything can go wrong, it ALWAYS happens to this little girl!! Good thing she is super brave and super tuff!!!!

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Anonymous said...

Ouch, she does have a rough time. I hope it gets better soon.

Porter Prodigies II said...

Are you kidding me?!?! A cup o noodles?!? Im gonna have to watch out with those. Poor girl, that looks terrible.

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

That likes horrible! :( Hope she feels ok and gets better fast.

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Oh man that looks like it hurts!! Burns are the worst!

Jacob and Sheena Lee said...

Oh man thats not fun! I remember when Aubree got burnt all across her arm! I hope she is doing well!

troy and melani said...

yikes that looks so painful!! poor little girl..hope she is feeling better soon!

tenney_fam said...

OUCH!!!!!! Poor girl. Stop abusing your children would you!

Chris and Nichole said...

Poor girl, that looks horrible! Hope she's not in too much pain!

Marinda said...

That looks like it hurts so bad!!! Poor little girl!! Hope it get better fast.

FerraroFam said...

Poor Girl, that looks so painful. Hope it heals quickly.

Kristal said...

Yowza!!! I hope she gets feeling better soon.