Friday, November 27, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude & Black Friday...

I first must take a moment to give Thanks for all that I have. What a blessed lady I am and have always been. My blessings started a long time ago when I was born into the amazing family that I belong to. I am Thankful for goodly parents who still never cease to amaze me. I am Thankful for brothers who taught me how to stick up for myself and to be a fighter (in a good way). I am Thankful for one amazing sister who has been an example of SOOO many ways. I am Thankful for my husband, my best friend, and my better half. Not sure how different my life would be if he hadn't been sent my way! I am Thankful for my 11 beautiful children. Each one brings something unique to our family, and I can't imagine my crazy life without them. I am Thankful for my freedoms, even if they are disappearing everyday. I am Thankful for the Gospel. I am Thankful for a living prophet. I am Thankful for a loving Heavenly Father that knows me and blesses my life in so many ways. And I am most Thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ, who was the perfect example, and provided a way that I may have eternal life!!!
I am THANK FUL!!!!
Now switching gears a little...I experienced my FIRST BLACK FRIDAY EVER!! I was just telling a friend the other day how crazy I thought she was for going every year. We always go get Christmas Trees the day after Thanksgiving, but due to my parents Temple schedule we had to change it to Saturday. So after talking with a couple of my siblings at Thanksgiving breakfast yesterday, we decided to go try it (all of us being Black Friday Virgins)!! I have to admit that it was a lot of fun and that I will probably try it again!!!


troy and melani said...

Oh I LOVE Black Friday! We go every year, and love it! Troy and I got up at 2:45, and went off to shop! We are crazy!! Glad you joined in the fun!

Angie said...

I love you post! I'm such a blog stalking slacker!!! I love your family pictures!!! I'm bet there are some funny "bloopers". I still owe you a shoot so don't forget k?

I love your family too! They are good examples to lots of people = ) I was a black friday virgin too this year and was pleasantly surprised...I was expecting all the things you always hear on the news....but it went great! I'm glad you guys had fun. Hope all is well! Thanks for your example.

Jami said...

I am sooo glad you didn't get trampled and killed with all those WACKO WACKY WACKED people out there!

Anonymous said...

Glad you have fun, so did I! I was worried what you would think.

The Johnson Family said...

Black Friday rocks! Patti and I try to go every year and we have a blast. I am glad you had fun! If you want to get your raffle money over to her that would be great. You could mail it to me...but it has to be here before the 13th. There really is a ton of really cute stuff in there! Thanks...and super cute new pics!