Friday, August 13, 2010

Poor Paul!!...NOT for weak stomachs...

If you have a weak stomach you may not want to view the following!!!
There is NEVER a dull moment around our house!! Last night while I was just finishing up fixing dinner Porter came running in the house SCREAMING..."MOM, PAUL'S HEAD IS BLEEDING AND THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!'
So I grabbed a clean towel out of the drawer and went running outside.
At first when I got to Paul, he of course had blood everywhere, but as you know head injuries bleed WAY bad! So...I applied pressure to it (not yet knowing how bad it was) and when I took the towel back off I about passed out!!
This is what I found...
These pics were taken with Brandon's cell phone from the ER

This one makes me sooooo sick!!
Well 32 stitches later...

The poor kid was playing at Aunt Jami's on the trailer they have parked in their driveway and he was playing with the tailgate and it fell right on his head!!
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Deni said...

Bless his little heart (head). Poor little guy. It will probably be really tender for several days.

Poor you for having to have just 'one' more thing. Darn it.

JaredandKatie said...

Poor guy!! That looks so painful. I think it's more painful on the parent then it is on them (most of the time).

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Ooo poor baby... So glad he is alright.

cturley said...

I'm glad that YOU coud handle it!! I freak out when I here blood!! You're a good mom :) said...

Okay, wow--that's actually disgusting. I did fine until i saw the second photo of the skin lifting up. The word yuck is not quite sufficient--I can't imagine being there in person. "Poor Paul" is right!

tenney_fam said...

I thought it was pretty cool!! JK! A++ for not puking with your prego little stomach! Hopefully they gave him some good pain pills! Poor little one.

Anonymous said...

WOW - poor kid.

Darren, Felicia, Judd, & Jake said...

Wow Tiff....never a dull moment! Poor little guy, thats horrible. To tell ya the truth, i'm surprised you're not in the ER more with your gang!

troy and melani said...

oh my goodness! poor little guy, that is crazy!! that is one nice owie!!

FerraroFam said...

I seriously gasped out loud when I saw the pictures. WOW!!!! Can't believe how huge it is. Boys! They really give you a run for your money and scare the crap out of you along the way. Glad he is ok.

Marinda said...

That is so sad. Poor guy!

Kristal said...

Oh my, that makes my stomach turn! Hope he (and mom) are feeling better.

Nicole said...