The other day I was gone and when I got home I checked my messages. Tristen had called from the school asking if I would bring his Bass to orchestra class. At the end of his message he closed it with..."In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Having realized what he had said on the answering machine he started laughing! It made me laugh the rest of the least I know he is striving to 'Pray Always!'
Gotta Love This Kid!!
Gotta Love This Kid!!
That is too funny! How cute! Not only does it show he is striving to pray always, but it shows just how great of a job you are doing at teaching him the value of prayer. Obviously that is a big part of his life! Good job mom! You're amazing and an example to us all! =)
HAHAHA! AWESOME! That's a new one I haven't heard. Usually people accidentally say "I love you" at the end of their phone conversation to a friend or something, or they'll call someone "mom" who's not their mom. This one is funny! Maybe if we all ended everthing we did with a prayer, we'd all see better results. It looks like his prayer got answered when you took him his stuff. Smart kid!
I bet his birthday comes around the same time every year too! He kills me!!!!
Too funny. What a cute kid.
What a goober!!
Tristen we LOVE you!!
That is so cute - love that kid.
That's so cute! I loved your post about Safford. I love that place! If we could live there I would in a heartbeat. Going to school there was such a blast and I loved going up to Mt. Graham, yes the windy road always made me sick and I was stupid enough to ride in the back of a truck up there once!! Matt's g-parents live there so we still get to go there every once in a while. Glad you guys had so much fun!
So precious! Thats so awesome how kids just pick that up, Aubree will tell us when we forget to pray! And Gunner is on the kick about talking about Jesus! Its so cute when they start wanting to know things and following the examples we give them!
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