Monday, March 8, 2010

On The Road Again...

This past weekend we went to Utah to Brandon's brother Dallas' wedding. We left EARLY Thursday morning and got to Ogden around 4:00 in the afternoon and returned home yesterday evening around 5:00. The kids were amazingly good in the car and for the most part were well behaved while we were there. All of Brandon's family, except for his brother-in-law Rich, were there and it was great to spend time with all of them!!

The Highlights of the Trip...

#1...Having a lady pay for our dinner at Ihop.

I have to tell the story...We decided to take our kids to Ihop Thursday night when we got there. While on our way in a lady asked, 'are all these kids yours?' and of course I replied, 'sure are!'. She said, 'wow you poor thing!', and I said, 'well I didn't birth them all!' Anyway, we talked for a few minutes while we waited for them to seat us, where I proceeded to tell her our story. She was very kind and told us that she admired what we did. Well, as they usually do when we take our children out to eat, they sat us in the very far corner so we wouldn't bother anybody and that was the last we saw of this nice lady that I had talked to. When the waiter brought us our bill he informed us that a very nice lady had picked up our bill for the night. I knew that it was this lady. Both Brandon and I were very overwhelmed. I hope the lady knows in her heart how very grateful we were for her kindness!!! It couldn't have been cheap!!

#2...eating Michelle's cake! We've have missed it more than she knows:)

#3...Paul asking Uncle Russ to wipe his butt!!

#4...Eating Dinner with our favorite guy, Mitchell Herzog

#5...Going to our favorite store ever...Smith & Edwards!

#6...And of course last but not least...spending time with family!!

Dallas, Chelsea, and Marlee

Their wedding cake Michelle made...I love it!

Brandon and his siblings

(Michelle, Ginger, Brandon, Dusty, Dallas, Penny, Caleb, & Cayce)

The kids and their spouses with Mom & Dad Martineau and Grandma & Grandpa Martineau

Our family with Brandon's grandparents

Mark, Michell, Emily, Aiden, and Liam

Dusty, Russ, Cody, & Kobe

Caleb and Morgon

Brandon & Penny

Aunt Cayce and Mallori
Me & Mark

Mallori and Grandma Martineau
Big Congrats to Dallas & Chelsea!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun trip. Glad all went well. That was very kind of the nice lady.

Jenna said...

That is so awesome about that lady. People can be so generous and it makes me want to be a better person! Hope you enjoyed your time here in "O" Town. I know Mitchell loves to see you and your family. Send me your e-mail address to and I can get you added in! Jenna

Deni said...

What a wonderful gift from that woman. You have a beautiful family Tiff. Love ya girl!

JENNE said...

Hope you hanked and waved as you went by.
I love that wedding cake - georgeous!

beau.shaunalee said...

Fun to see pics of the Martineau's!! That cake is GORGEOUS! congrats Dallas!
...and about your last post..."Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people."(Hyman Rickover)

Matt n Jessica said...

It's so touching to hear of stories like that, reminds me of that movie Pay It Forward or something along those lines.
Glad you had a nice trip!

The Herberts said...

What a nice lady!! That is nice to hear!! SO - I LOVE your watch :)... You look FAB! and why aren't Dad, Grams & Gramps smilin' in the photo with the siblings and spouses? C'mon!

The Waites said...

WOW! Big weekend! That is an amazing story about that sweet, generous lady! It's truly humbling! Looks like a spectacular trip! And that cake is amazing!!!

Ginger said...

What a cool trip! I want to be more like thatlady!