Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

I love that it's that time of year where everyone had made new years resolutions and most of them are already being one of those:) I made a new years resolution to go off soda and it only lasted about 2 days, if that:) I did make some though that I plan to keep. I won't share them so you all won't be disappointed in me when I don't!
We had a great New Years Eve...I hadn't planned to do anything special this year, but we ended up having quite a few people over and had a really good time! We played lots of games, ate lots of food, and had lots of fun!! Brandon and I Stayed up playing games with Jami and her boys and Tom til 3:00am...that was a blast!!! Thanks everybody that came over and brought yummy food to share!
Here is wishing everybody a HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL New Year!!!!
Carly, Shawna, Stacey, & Brooke playing Nertz (sp)

Nicholas, Tom, Sha, Candice(can't see her but shes on the other side of Oren), Oren, Ben and Tara playing Uno

Tim & Brandon getting ready to let off firecrackers and stuff:)
Funny Story...Brandon had just walked over to the Slades to let off a big firework just as we saw headlights heading our way and to our surprise it was a Sheriff. Thank Heavens Brandon didn't ever let it off or he would of been hauled off!!!

Miles and I outside enjoying the show
Everyone that was partying with us...
Carly and Nicholas Mallory, Stacey, Kevin, Brooke, & Kennedy Mallory, The Slades, Shawna McLaws and her kids, Oren and Sha Parry, Candice Hall, Ben and Tara, Tom Williams, and our whole Crew.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah it was quite the party. Thanks for the fun!!