Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day...

A Boy's first hero...A Girl's first Love!!!

To my AmAzIng Hubby...

Thanks for being the amazing father and husband that you are. From our first date you said you wanted 15 kids, and I am now starting to believe that you were serious:o) Our kids are SO lucky to have YOU as their dad! You are ALWAYS doing things for our family and we really do appreciate the hard worker that you are and for EVERYTHING that you do for us!!
We love you more than you know!!!

To my Amazing Father...

Where do I start? I will forever be grateful for your love, your example, and your dedication to EVERYTHING! Our family still receives blessings daily from your endless service to others. I hope you know how much I/We love you!!!

To my amazing #2 dad...

Wayne, As I have watched and come to know you over the past 8 years, I have learned where Brandon gets his AMAZINGness from. You are such a hard worker, amazing husband, and father!! Thank you for raising the man I am married to. He is MORE like you than you know!! Thanks for being you!! You always make us laugh and we love when we are around you. We love you!!!

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