We decided at the last minute to surprise our kids with a trip to Utah to see Brandon's family over Fall Break. I spent all day last Wednesday trying to pack for 14 people without my kids noticing. I finally finished packing at 2:45am and got the kids up at 3:00am to head to Utah. We didn't tell them where we were going and none of them even came close to guessing where we were heading. Porter finally clued in when he saw the 'Welcome to Utah' sign:) Even then they had NO idea that Grandma and Grandpa Martineau were there waiting for us!!
This stop was the first of many times we would have people's jaws drop as they watched us unload the van:) I love seeing people's faces!!
On Saturday Grandma and Grandpa Martineau had a great idea to take the train from Ogden to Salt Lake. I've always wanted to take the kids to Temple Square and to tour the Conference Center! We had a Great time and the kids were very well behaved.

After church on Sunday we went for a drive up Ogden Canyon and went to a lake up there to let the kids play for a bit. It was ABSOLUTELY beautiful since all the trees were changing colors.

We had a great time visiting Brandon's family. I have been blessed with amazing in-laws and we love getting to see them every chance we get (which isn't near as often as we would like!) We also got to go see Brandon's Grandma Martineau who isn't doing well at all. We were sad to say goodbye as we are sure it would be the last time we got to see her here in this life!!