I had the awesome privilege to be apart of the Trek as an adult child. I had been asked by LaChelle Crandell to take her place, but the day before the trek I got a call saying they didn't need me to go anymore cause they had more big sisters than they knew what to do with. Well when I got out there Thursday do help Jami with the Taffy Pull, Shawna came up to me saying their big sister went home the night before and asked if I would stay and be there female adult child. I of course said yes!! Even though I didn't get to be apart of the first day, I still had a blast being able to finish out the last 3 days with them.
What an experience a Trek is! My attitude was slightly different this time than the first trek I went on 14 years ago! Back then I was an 18 year old with a nasty attitude and didn't want to go at all. It was great to be able to do it again with a different attitude and being a little bit more mature:) Both Treks have been life altering. Some of my experiences are too sacred to share and I will write down in my personal journal. It was amazing to see how stalwart our youth are! We have amazing leaders who are truly inspired. I gained a greater appreciation for President Whipple, and learned why the kids absolutely love him! What a huge example he is to our youth!
A BIG thanks to everyone who made it all happen!! And a BIG BIG thanks to Bruce and Shawna for allowing me to be apart of their Trek Family! We really did have the best family out there:) I hope the youth got as much out of it as I did!!

Brandon and I out at the Taffy Pull

Macky and Maryssa...two of the cutest pioneers ever!

Jami and Tim...the Taffy Pull goobers!

Beautiful Emma cleaning her feet with a wipey!

The girls in our family hitching a ride in the handcart!

Dave Godfrey, Shawna Ma, Brucie Pa, me and Travis Parham

Shawna Ma, Emily Cheney, and Casey Palmer pushing the handcart

The women in our family...Casey, Emily, Brooklyn, Adeline, Sam, Brittany, Shayna, Me and Shawna Ma

The Men in our family...Mike, Trey, Hayden, Chance, Travis, Jayden, Brad, Dave, and Brucie Pa

Shawna Ma, Me, and Brucie Pa

The whole Fam Damily

Hayden Farr hanging out in his tarp made hammock!

Braiding Shayna's hair!

Ma and Pa McLaws doing the chicken dance!

President and Sister Farr doing their own version of the square dance:)

Hey Travis baby...if you love Jayden...please smile!!! (you had to be there:)

Had to catch this moment...These 4 people have had the biggest influence on my life! My own parents and Ma & Pa Farr!!

My dad was the guest speaker out there at our Sunday meetings. He of course did an amazing job!!!

President Pa, me and Ma Farr...these were my trek Ma & Pa 14 years ago!
I really wonder if these two have any idea of how they changed my life...and still do! I was raised with my dad being the Stake President. I know how many hours he spent doing his calling and how many hours my mom spent alone!! THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your hard work and service! I promise it doesn't go unnoticed!!