We had a wonderful Christmas!!
We started out the day with opening our stockings and our new church clothes...

After that we went to our Tri-Ward Sacrament meeting. It was a great meeting and was a special occasion to be able to partake of the Sacrament on the day we celebrate our Savior's Birth. The 3 bishops had asked my dad to be our speaker and as usual he did a great job. I always love hearing my dad speak and share his Testimony!
We were mean parents and made our kids wait to open their other gifts til after church...
The kids lining up to come in the Family Room

Amelia showing off her pink gun and the a pic of what the family room looked like after the BOMB when off!!

Paul trying out his new bike and Michael super excited about his legos!
We had Grandma Colleen and Auntie Diane come join the fun and they had a blast helping Princess Mallori open her dress-up stuff!!

Maron had more fun playing with paper and boxes than anything. Good thing she didn't notice she only had 2 gifts under the tree:)

Miles with his Super Man/Spider Man stuff on...this kid kills me! Caden and Morgon showing off their gifts...all Morgon wanted was a Lantern so he could see to walk to the Slade's in the dark:)
After we spent some time cleaning up we headed out to Grandma and Grandpa Tenney's to open our stockings there and to have dinner with my family.

Just Chillin!

Cousins having some fun!

Jami and my Dad
My mom opening her gift from us kids...a locket with pictures of my dad through the years in it!
We hope ALL of you had a Wonderful Christmas like we did!!