Brandon and I were suppose to go on a little anniversary get away last month, but we got Mallory two days before we were suppose to take off so it had to be postponed. We decided a couple of weeks ago that we would go up to Utah for the 24th of July. We left last Wednesday, the 22nd, and decided we would go the long way around and would stay a night in Vegas and go to the show Mystere while we were there. Well after spending $180 on tickets to the show we ended up getting stuck in four different spots of construction and got there 30 minutes late after the box office was already closed. I was quite irritated that we had not only wasted the money on gas to drive TOTALLY out of the way, but also that we had wasted $180 on tickets to a show we didn't even get to see. We stayed at the Luxor and left for Utah Thursday morning. Brandon decided to call the Mystere box office to see if they would possibly refund our money, while I was thinking he was crazy for even trying, and to our surprise they refunded all but $10!!!!!! I was SO excited!!! Way to go hubby for givin it a try!! We ended up getting to Ogden about 8:30pm Thursday night. We went and ate at Texas Roadhouse and then went and watched the 10:30pm showing of the new "Harry Potter". I am not a big Harry Potter fan but it was still a good show. Friday we slept in, then spent most of the day visiting Brandon's siblings, then we went to the Ogden Pioneer Day's Rodeo. We LOVE that's one of our favorites! Funny story though....Brandon and I decided we should probably go see if we could buy our tickets to the rodeo early so we didn't have to worry about it after the gates opened, so we headed on over and I waited in the car while Brandon went to purchase them. I waited, and waited, and finally Brandon came back to the car and said, "you will never guess who I just ran into". I obviously had no clue and at that time a mini van drove by really slow staring at us, and Brandon said, "Um, that is April and her parents!" April was Brandon's high school sweetheart for two years. (for those of you that don't know, Brandon lived in Ogden for 3 years and graduated high school there) He hasn't seen her in like 10 years and happens to run into her there...what are the chances?! I thought it was funny! Anyway, Saturday we spent half of our day at our favorite store "Smith & Edwards" (our family vacations are planned around this store), then we headed down to Salt Lake to eat at Rodizio Grill and then go to the "Days of 47 Rodeo" where our friend Kalon Downing was riding. Sunday we went to church with Herzog and his family and they were nice enough to feed us dinner. And then we went over and visited with Brandon's Grandpa & Grandma Martineau for about three hours. Brandon's Uncle John ended up giving us nine 50 lbs bags of powdered milk for our year supply!! Brandon thought he had hit the jack pot!! We had a great time and look forward to our next get away!! A big thanks to my amazing niece Maryssa, my wonderful mom, and my awesome niece Carly for watching our children!!!!

The Luxor!!

Brandon's brother Dallas and his girlfriend Chelsea and their adorable baby girl Marley

Brandon's brother Caleb and Mallory...I flippen love this kid!!

Brandon's sister Dusty and Mallory...they absolutely loved lovin on her!

Brandon and I at the Ogden rodeo
Herzog and his brother Jordan...funny boys!

I have NO idea who these little girls are but I couldn't pass up on taking this pic!!

This is how they brought in the was awesome!

Me, Mallory, & Brandon at the Days of 47 Rodeo
Herzog, me and Brandon...somebody asked if he was our oldest child:o)
Our friend Kalon Downing getting ready to ride.