First off on this Easter Sunday, I want to say how grateful I am for ALL of my blessings. The Lord has been so good to me, and I often find myself not showing the gratitude he deserves!
This weekend was a run away weekend! I decided about midnight on Wednesday that I was going to run away. I wasn't sure where I was going or what I would be doing, but I just needed to get away. I had had it with life!!! This life that Brandon and I have chosen is not an easy one and I find myself needing a big break I ran away!!
I caught a ride up north to Utah with Mitchell B. When he heard that I wanted to go to Utah and he was heading that direction he offered me a ride. We left Thursday morning about 8:30. We went to St. George first to pick up a dog kenell and thought we were picking up a dog he was going to buy. When we got to St. George he called the guy he was suppose to buy it from and he had already sold it. We went out to dinner to the Pizza Factory with Herzog's Grandma and then went to the St. George temple. We decided that instead of staying at his grandma's house we would go ahead and drive the rest of the way up to Ogden. We got to Ogden about midnight. A BIG thanks to Herzog's parents, Kristie & Nate, for letting me stay there. They are great people!!
Friday Morning I was going to rent a car, but found out that I couldn't get one until 6:00pm and that they would charge me $75.00 to return it to the airport. So Mitchell B. offered to give me a ride to Provo on his way to Moab to go bear hunting. Since we had most of the day to hang out we went to Farr Better Icecream and he took me over to my sister-in-law Dusty's house so I could visit and see Dallas and Chelsea's baby girl, Marley. After we visited for a while we went back and packed his truck for their hunt and then headed to Provo. We got to Provo about 5:00pm and I took Herzog and his brother Jordan to Tucanos for some dinner. After dinner they dropped me off at my cousin Sara's house where I stayed the rest of the weekend. I went and hung out with my awesome friend Toni, for a couple of hours and then came back and stayed up talking with Sara and Pete until 3:00am!
Saturday morning my good friend Richard picked me up at 8:00 so we could head to the Mt. Timpanogas temple to do a session. We had just drove up to the temple when I got a call from Brandon telling me that Tristen had taken off in the middle of the night!!! Yep!! Ross and Tiffani Owens got a knock at their door at 4:05am and it was TRISTEN!!!!!! He had walked over two miles to their house in the snow with NO flashlight because he wanted to spend the night with Devin, and Devin wasn't even there...he was spending the night at Brocks. I honestly did not want to believe what Brandon was telling me. I still am at a loss for words over this situation. So as I was sitting in the parking lot of the temple I had a nervous break down. Why would he do that? What if something would have happened to him? Are we really sucking it up that bad as parents? What was he thinking? After about 45 minutes of sobbing(poor Richard had to witness the entire thing) I gathered myself together and went inside. I don't think I have been so emotional through a session! I am SOOOOO grateful that I went, that I could feel his love for me, and that I could receive comfort that I needed. We still have no idea what we are doing to do with Tristen, so if anybody has any suggestions please send it our way. AFter the session we went and picked up Richard's wife and baby and headed to eat. THANKS Richard for being there and for being such an AMAZING friend!!!! Then I went and hung out with Sara the rest of the night. Pete was nice enough to watch their boys while we just went and talked. THANKS to Sara for letting me stay at your house and for our great talks!! I needed it!
So now it is back to life and back to reality for me. I would be ungrateful if I didn't thank my hubby. I seriously am married to the most amazing person in the world! He knows my needs and is always so willing to let me get away!! I love him and don't know what I would do without him!!!

Mitchell B. and I in front of the St. George Temple

The St. George Temple has always been one of my favorites!
Finally got to meet my adorable niece Marley!!
Richard and I in front of the Mt. Timpanogas temple!

This is Richard and Cherilyn's baby, John...he loves his Aunt Tiffie!!

Me and my cousin Sara...I love this girl!