Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Baby Lewis is Here!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Prayer Request and WeeKenD FuN!
We love you Alvin and Jessica, you guys are going to be awesome parents and we can't wait to meet this special little guy that the Lord is blessing our family with. You are in our prayers!!
Next, I have been bribing Morgon for two weeks now that if he would start going potty in the toilet that we would take him to the zoo. Well, FINALLY this week he decided it was time and has been doing great since. So we took the kids to the zoo on Saturday to celebrate this great occasion of only having two in diapers now. (lots better than the five) The kids were SUPER good and even did great at dinner at Cracker Barrel. AFter the zoo and dinner we went and visited one of our favorite misisonaries, Elder Thornton. We dropped him off two bags full of groceries and visited with him for about 20 minutes. It was great to see him. I started not feeling good yesterday at the zoo and stayed home from church today since my throat is KILLING me and Miles is sounding RSVish. But overall the weekend was GREAT!
Checkin out the fish
Miles enjoying the zoo!! Poor boy is not feeling so hot:(
Elder Thornton and Elder Moa
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Happy Birthday To An Amazing Lady!
She has always set a good example!
I honestly can't remember a time when I have heard her bad mouth someone.
I NEVER heard her complain about my dad being away day after day to business and church meetings.
She always says the best prayers...yes they are kind of long...but still the BEST!
Is an AMAZING cook!!! (Why else would we look the way we do?)
She is an awesome grandma!
She is an awesome wife...she still dotes on my dad hand and foot.
She sews!
She is ALWAYS serving others.
She doesn't just visit teach once a month, it's more like 30 days out of the month...even in February.
Goes above and beyond to fulfill her church assignments.
Makes beautiful quilts!!!
Always serving her family.
Has an amazing testimony of the gospel and of our Savior.
She is the mom and 11 really cook kids!!!

This is my favorite picture of my mom!
Doesn't Jody look like her?
Me and my awesome momma!
My rad parents a couple years back!!
Mom I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!! I hope you know how much I love and appreciate all you are! You are everything I hope to some day be! (Yes I know, that means I need to clean up my act)...I love you MOM!!!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My new pal Rudd & Chocolate wins!
What a little chunky monkey!
I had to post a pic that I took today of Miles. We put him in the high chair for a cookie fight and the cookie obviously won! I LoVe this pic since you can see his little teeth. He is already taking his first steps and will stand all by himself for a coupole seconds. I am not ready for my baby to grow up!!
I Just can't resist this face!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Bad Momma!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
What A Weekend!!
We got to down town Phoenix and found a place to park. There were people everywhere and since we didn't really know where we were going we decided to follow the crowd. I have been taught not to follow the crowd my entire life, and should have stuck with that even in this situation. Well, we ended up at the Dodge Theatre thinking that is where the concert was. The lady at the door went to check my purse and found a camera. She tells me that I can't have my camera or my picture phone and that I would have to run it back to my vehicle. So Brandon took off to the truck(3 blocks away) and put the stuff in it. He got back and we got back in line, get to the door again, and our tickets wouldn't scan. This other guy comes over and takes us over to this other door and he starts looking at our ticket and says 'Uh...these are Jim Brickman tickets' and we are like "ya, we know!" and he says, "um...this is the Robin Williams show. Jim Brickman is at the Orpheum Theatre, two blocks down and one block over." Then he looked at his watch (since we had about 5 minutes) and said "you better hurry!" So we took off walking as fast as we could. Well, on our way and I say to Brandon "I bet they don't even search my bag over here, and you would have ran all the way back to the truck for nothing". Well, sure enough! They don't even check my bag, we just walk right in and sit down. Anyway, they open the show and tell us "If you would like to meet Jim Brickman after the show, all you need to do is sign up to be a V.I.P. member." So, Brandon knowing how much I love Jim Brickman, goes out during the intermission and joins the VIP club for $35.00. So after the concert we are waiting in line to meet him (we were the first in line!!) and his manager comes out and says "Jim will be here in a minutes. Feel free to take pictures, video, etc."!!! I was SOOOOO mad!!! My freakin camera was in the TRUCK!!! It was still an unforgettable experience to meet him, Anne Cochran, Mark Masri, and Tracy Silverman.
Grandma Barbara and Brandon (Grandma Barbara drove down from Utah to put flowers on Grandpa's grave for his 80th b-day. We were SO glad she was able to be here with us!!)
Brandon's Counsins, Shelan and Tel
Nicole and Jed
Uncle Vance and Aunt Michelle (they are the reason Brandon and I are what we are!!)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy 30th Birthday to my Honey!!

Brandon as a baby!
Brandon at about two years old
Brandon in Jr. High...don't you love the overalls:o)
Brandon last Christmas!
Here are just a FEW reasons why I love him so much...
#1 - He loves me for me!!
#2 - Has given me an amazing family!
#3 - Is the hardest worker I know!
#4 - Even if he feels like eating "Brandin Iron" will go to "Grumpy Jakes" just because I feel like a killer potatoe.
#5 - Will go to Circle K on Sunday just to get me papers so I can have the coupons.
#6 - Is the most patient man I know!
#7 - Loves traveling!! Has shown me parts of the world that I never thought I would even see!!
#8 - Is the best dad EVER!!!
#9 - Always give me the last bite if I want it!
#10 - Is SO in tune with my NEEDS and WANTS!!
#11 - Will babysit our 10 kids for an entire weekend so I can have a get away!!
#12 - Buys me flowers...OFTEN!!
#13 - Takes me on WEEKLY dates.
#14 - Has an amazing testimony of the gospel!
#15 - Smartest person I know...Is an avid reader and retains EVERYTHING
#16 - NEver yells or fights with me...matter of fact he refuses to do so!
#17 - He loves ALL types of music
#18 - Is the most open minded person I know, never judges anyone, and always listens to ALL view points before making a decision!!
#19 - Has a nice wrangler fanny!!
#20 - Will go to broadway musicals with me
#21 - Honors his priesthood
#22 - Will get me a bowl of icecream without even asking
#23 - On any given day will come home with a Diet Dr. Pepper and Peanut Butter M&M's for me!
#24 - Cooks dinner 80% of the time
#25 - Will go coupon shopping with me:)
#26 - Is always calm when I am irate!
#27 - Always thinks before speaking
#28 - Loves his family and my family
#29 - Enjoys the little things in life
#30 - Did I mention that he loves ME!! He has always made me feel like I am the best thing EVER!!
I LOVE you babe!! I hope you have a great 30th BIRTHDAY!!!